Our Affiliates

Pastor Juan &Evangelist Dr. Gloria Story
Echo Ministries
“ECHO” a program where we use the three step study technique of (1) observation, (2) interpretation, and (3) application to study scripture and apply it to our own lives together!
Join us on Saturday at 9:00 am
Just click the link above
Minister Pamela Mitchell
King’s Daughter Ministry
Join her on Thursday at 7:00 pm
667-770-1084 access code: 379134#

Minister Detra Fisher
KeyWest Gospel Train
Join her on
KeyWest Gospel Train on iHeartRadio
KeyWest Gospel Train Facebook Page
WAVK 97.7 FM Radio Program
To inspire, uplift and inform to
The KeyWest Community and beyond through the dedication to the word of GOD & gospel music.
Just click the link above
Pastor Raymond Roberts
Ministerial Excellence
Ministerial Excellence is a Ministry Development and Training tool, through a series of online training sessions. Our primary mission is the building of personal character connected with the spiritual demands of effective ministry. From Head Usher to Senior Leadership, providing basic leadership understanding, building a team, as well as Ordaining Elders, Minister understanding, Pastoral workings and responsibilities as in how to perform weddings,
funerals and much more.